Monday, July 28, 2014

Juniper's Closet

This weekend was the organize and pull out the next season stuff weekend. Buying ahead at yard sales and clearance sales is hard work. I made a list so I know what she is still going to need. When we were moving in I decided rather than getting myself a fancy closet organizer we would get Juniper one. She no longer has a dresser in her room which means more play space.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Jewelry Organizer

Mat made me this jewelry organizer to hang in my walk in closet. I can't wait until I can paint and finish up the room. We are currently picking colors for the half bath and Juniper's bathroom. We are running into problems finding a shower curtain for Juniper's bathroom. Our goal is to plan for a bathroom to work until she is a tween.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

New Friends for our New Home

This is Audrey our neighbor's daughter. She is 18 months old. This is her first time over to play with Juniper. I think they will be friends for a long time. Juniper did really well at sharing her toys.


Mornings aren't usually fun around here during the week. Juniper gets up at 5:45. She is like me that she may be awake but wants to lie in bed until she is really awake. So every morning I get her up lay her in my bed so she can wake up before I start throwing clothes on her. This is her this morning looking extra pitiful.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Family Binder

We are starting our household binder. First project is home inventory. I contacted our Homeowners Insurance company to see if we need pictures of ever item. The response was nice to see. We need a list of serial numbers for electronics appliances and itemized valuable jewelry with appraisals if possible. The rep also said to just take pictures of each room from different angles for furniture and decor.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Going to have to do all of these this summer.


Mat made us an end table yesterday just like the one I wanted off of Pinterest. I can't wait to stain it.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Family Date Night

We had a rough week I thought I got food poisoning from Bob Evans on Sunday, turned out to be a stomach flu. Mat came home from work sick on Wednesday and called on Thursday. So tonight we went to dinner at Der Dutchman and a trip to Whole Foods. Here is Juniper sitting in the carriage.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

First times

Today we all went and took a visit to Grammy ' house. After a fun time playing with Grammy's new kitty we went to the  park and fed bread to the ducks and geese for the first time. After we left grammy we went to our first trip to the book loft. Juniper got 2 Spot flip books.


Mat reading Junie her new books

Morning Art

Juniper love to color but now she loves stickers.


We always have to ride Bert and Ernie at The outlet Mall

Friday, July 4, 2014

Mommy's Lil helper

I bought Junie a broom and dust pan
Since she likes to play with mine. Today I dressed her in a grey heather polka dot skirt from Carter's bought by Junie's MeeMaw for her birthday,  yellow t shirt from Granimals,  and Michael Kors.  She cleaned up her toast crumbs from breakfast. Such a good little girl.

Home Owners

This is the picture of Mat and I with our awesome realtor and our loan officer.